From chicken, guinea fowl, ducks to peafowl, raising birds is a thrilling homesteading practice that comes with many benefits. If you are in love with peafowl, this review is for you. It explores how to raise the birds on your farm. We also walk through necessities that will make it a breeze. But before…
Top 5 Ways To Help Save the Bees [and Save the World]
A growing concern throughout the world is the gradual decline in the bee populations. The decline has been increasing more and more over time and this concern has become more prominent. Reports released last summer indicating that bee populations have declined by forty percent is a worrying trend. Although these winged creatures are small, the…
Top 8 Best Outdoor Clotheslines for 2021 (Review)
Even with alternative methods of drying clothes such as the use of dry cleaning machines, an eco-friendly outdoor clothesline for every other day use is worth giving a try. But what is a cloth line, you may want to ask. Well, it is a stretch of rope or wire that you attach between two endpoints….
What is Ideal Temperature and Humidity for Grow Tent?
In this article, we will know about the ideal temperature and humidity for grow tent to plant better. Having a grow tent is what every farmer should think of. It is one of the best things to have. A grow tent comes with several advantages as compared to cultivating in an open field. You get…
What Do Goats Eat? Tips on Goats feeding
Are you a goat farmer and you are wondering what the best feeds to give to your goats are? Worry no more for you are not alone. Choosing the best pastures for goats can be a challenging exercise for many farmers. Just like human beings, goats to require to be fed on a balanced diet….
Top 5 Best Chicken Coop Heaters for 2021: Reviews and Guide
At six weeks, hatched chicks/birds will attempt to fly out of a brooder. During this time, the best thing to do is move them to a coop where they can enjoy freedom. Birds are free-range creatures, thus, having enough feeding and roaming area for them is one of the secrets of happy, and successful homesteaders….
How Long Do Goats Live? Know more about Lifespan of a Goat
How long do goats live? This is a question that you are probably asking yourself. Unfortunately, this question does not have a definite answer because it depends on various factors, including the type of bread, breeding cycle, environment, feed, shed space, medication, and care, among many others. But in general, an average farm goat’s lifespan ranges…
Goat Facts: 10 Amazing things you Probably didn’t know about Goats
Homesteading practices range from rearing livestock, poultry farming, and lawn mowing, trimming hedges to gardening. In this post, we look at goats-witty, yet known escapist domestic animals that assign meaning to a notion that ‘grass is always greener on the other side of the fence‘. For starters, choosing the right type of goats for a…
How to get rid of Yellow Jackets Naturally?
Yellow jackets are insects marked by a unique yellow and black striped head and thorax. They are one of the most dangerous stinging insects on earth and even more aggressive than other stinging insects such as bees and wasps. Yellowjackets always defend their nest to death and in large numbers when under attack, and in…