Looking for bee sting treatment or how to treat a bee sting? Bees are known to be quite an essential component of the ecosystem. However, the perilous nature of their sting makes them unruly. Prevention is better than cure is a famous adage. This is not different for bees’ stings as the aftermath is quite…
Category: Beekeeping
Top 8 Best Bee Hive Covers to Know in 2021
There is no doubt that beekeeping is a fascinating and lucrative venture for anyone to undertake. Bees are feared by people because of their sting but they can be hospitable if they are handled properly. If you want to start beekeeping, you must get a beehive that acts as a link between humans and bees….
Top 6 Best Bee Hive Stands for Sale: Reviews for 2021
Beehive stands might seem insignificant to novices; however, they serve more purpose than just keeping hives away from wet grounds. A hive stand happens to be a very important and essential item in beekeeping. If you must know, bees by nature like to build their house above the ground; hence, a hive stands help make…
Best Beekeeping Veils and Hats to Prevent Stings
When it comes to staying safe in your apiary, beekeepers have wide-ranging options of protective gear from which to choose the best. Thus, you should always put money on the best product for the money. But before doing so, here are some questions people keep asking: Do you know where to find the best beekeepers…
Best Bee Smokers and Bee Smoker Fuels [2021 Reviews]
Harvesting honey, an exciting activity for beekeepers. It’s time they got to see the rewards of their intensive labor. However, as exciting as harvesting is, it cannot be done without having the right tools. You cannot just open you’re the hive and start harvesting the honey, you will be stung by the bees and many…
Best Oxalic Acid Vaporizer for Honey Bees in 2021
Commercial or hobby beekeepers have one common threat to contend with – mites! Varroa or Tracheal mites are external parasites that affect bees in different hives. They attack bees causing diseases and death in the colony. For that reason, the control of mites takes the center stage in beekeeping. In treating mites, application of Oxalic…
Top 9 Best Beekeeping Starter Kits For Beginners
Are you new to beekeeping or imagining the idea of starting a bee colony? Do you have all it takes to maintain and nurture your colony? Well, if you don’t, then you are in the right place. The post will tell you all you need to know to get your bee colony up and running….
Top best places to buy Beekeeping Equipments | Supplies Near me
Honey is always going to drive your taste buds into a wild frenzy. It is the sweetest thing you can ever eat with your butter, bread or as a food topping. It is why; for thousands of years, beekeepers around the world have never run out of customers. That is not to mention that numbers…
Best Sting Proof Bee Suit, Best Bee Jacket with Veil for Sale
Bees can get wild if mishandled, and their sting can be deadly. There have been several occasions when people lost their lives due to attack by bees. Thus, whether you practice apiculture-using flow hives, which minimize disturbance- or you are using the much-exposed Langstroth, you should wear protective gear at all times. Moreover, even with…